Monday, June 9, 2014

My Tumblr Site

My Tumblr Site

Tumblr is a site where you can implement your own videos or images or even messages or quotes to create your dashboard. You can import links for others to click on or even have a quote or text show up for them to read. All of these things like video, audio, links, photos can be used to portray your project. It's like Twitter. People can follow you and you can follow them getting latest updates or even ideas. Tumblr is a great way to get your project set up and organized.

I chose tumblr because it was the easiest to use for me and all the different things I can put into it like audio, video, and photos as well as quotes or text. There is a variety. It's not just videos but it's also just about everything else. The foundation of Tumblr helps me to start at a considerable pace so that I can organize everything I want me project to be.

The different things that will be on the site are video clips from certain movies or plays that portray my project of Multiple Personalities and how acting out characters in Theatre is like having a Multiple Personality Disorder. Photos will also be incorporated along with quotes and links to specific websites to better understand this disorder.

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